Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
family; रई (रति-विराम-लज्जिता:) - overpowered by bashfulness at the end of sexual intercourse (because of their stark nakedness); जहणं (जघन) private parts.
The variant reading सहसत्ति (सहसेति) is preferable to the SP reading सहसव्व (सहसेव).
331. Note : Read च्चेअ (चैव) in the second half. Bhoja cites this gatha as an example
of अनूढमध्या (नायिका).
The young would-be bride turned away her face at the mention of the name of the bridegroom, but the way her brassiers (choli) broke at the seams clearly shows her deep love for him.
332. Bhoja cites this gatha as an example of धीर-प्रगल्भा (नायिका). SK (p. 671, v. no.
325) cites it with the introductory remark : “निर्धारितविशेषप्रकारो विशेषवान यथा -". It cites this gātha again (p. 685, v. no. 380) with the introductory remark : "यत्नापनेय-माना धीरा यथा - ".
333. Bhoja cites this gathā as an example of धीरोढ-प्रगल्भा (नायिका). 334. Bhoja cites this gatha as an example of धीरानूढप्रगल्भा (नायिका). पम्हल (पक्ष्मल-धवलानि)
(नयनानि) - (eyes) having long or beautiful eyelashes; दीह (दीर्घ-कृष्णानि) long-extending and dark-coloured (eyes); दलृ ण जाणंति (द्रष्टुं न जानन्ति) - They do not know how to look (at young men) (with charming, bewitching sidelong glances).
335. Bhoja cites this gatha as an example of अधीर-प्रगल्भा (नायिका). SK (p. 637, V.
no. 233) cites this gatha to illustrate (विप्रलम्भपरीष्टिषु) लेखविधानेन (प्रेमपरीक्षा). सोत्थि (alfa) — the first word written in a letter meaning “May God bless you"; "May you fare well"; लिहिमो (लिखाम:) (pres. act. 1st pers. plu. used for sing.)
336. Bhoja cites this gatha as an example of अधीरोढप्रगल्भा (नायिका). SK (p. 639. v.
no. 238) cites it with the introductory remark "(संभोग-परीष्टिषु ) मानानन्तरे स्त्रिया: कैतवस्मरणेन यथा-".
337. Bhoja cites this gatha from Lilavar as an example of अधीरानूढप्रगल्भा (नायिका). The
printed text of Lilavaireads : जाणंती विहु instead of Bhoja's reading 'जाणामि चि.
338. Bhoja cites this gatha as an example of ऊढ-प्रगल्भा (नायिका). SK (p. 638, v. no. .. 237) cites this gathawith the introductory remark : “(संभोग-परीष्टिषु प्रथमानुरागानन्तरे)