Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
p. 145. Umashankar Joshi is all admiration for this gāthā : सांजे पति घर आवे छे तेने पत्नी शिशुनी नाजुक फूटेली बे दांतकळीओनी निशानी बोर पर अंकायेली कोडे कोडे बतावे छे ए एक लाखेj - सवालाखेणुं चित्र छे. - कवितासंगम - संपादकीय, पृ. ६, गाथामाधुरी प्राकृत मुक्तको, अनुवाद-हरिवल्लभ भायाणी, वोरा अँड कंपनी - अमदाबाद, १९७६.
130. Bhoja cites this gāthā as an example of the variety of Bhāva, called Abhito
nirudbhedah. आढत्ता = आरब्धा started; दुक्खुत्तारा (दु:खोत्तारा difficult to walk down (or up), to clear or get over, negotiate; पअवी (पदवी) path, way.
Bhoja's comments on this gatha run thus : अत्रागच्छन्ती हालिकस्नुषां दृष्ट्वा गृहपतिसूनोर्गोदावरीतटे यदवस्थानम्, यश्च तमवलोक्य तस्या दुरुत्तरमार्गेणावतरणारम्भः, तत्रायं तयोरभिप्रायो हस्तावलम्बदानेनावयोरङ्गसङ्गम: संपद्यताम् इति । स चाभितो द्वयोरपि जायमानो नेह केनचित्कर्मणोद्भिद्यत इत्यभितो निरुद्भेदश्चायं भावः ।
131. Bhoja cites this gātha as an example of the variety of Bhāva, called Ekato
nirudbhedah. सालि (शालिवन-गोपिका a female guardian, protectress of ricefield). पूस ° (शुकवृन्द flocks of parrots). Note पूस is a Desi word meaning a parrot. Bhoja thus comments on this gatha : अत्रातिसौन्दर्येण देवीभ्रान्त्या शालिवनगोपिकामालोकयतां पथिकानां तदक्षिनिरीक्षणेऽयमभिप्राय: । ---"तदक्षिणी एव पश्यामो यदियं निमिषति तदा मानुषीयं यदि न निमिषति तदा देवीयम् । " इति सर्वाङ्गसुन्दर्या अपि पथिकानामेव जायमानो भावो नेह केनचित्कर्मणोद्भिद्यत इत्येकतो निरुद्भेदश्चायं भाव: । - सरस्वती, पृ. ३७८.
132. Read हिअ रोसुभिण्णं. (p.395)-माणंसिणी (मनस्विनी) the proud lady; रोसुग्गिणं (रोषोद्गीर्णम्)
provoked by anger; माणंसिणीऍ थोरंसुअं रुण्णं ।। The proud lady burst into tears; (ण हओ दइओ (न हतो दयित:) she did not kick him on his heart (chest), when she heard his plea that she should kick him on his head instead of on his heart. The lover/husband wanted to avoid injury to the sweetheart enthroned in his heart. The proud lady did not kick him on his head, as it was clear that his heart was already captivated by a rival lady and that she was no longer his absolute mistress and he her obedient slave ! She simply wept bitterly : "रुदितमुचितमस्त्रं योषितां विग्रहेषु ।" Bhoja's comments thus run : अत्र हृदये रोषोधूर्णपादप्रहारं यदयं शिरसा प्रार्थितवान्, यच तयासौ न ताडितस्तत्र हृदये वल्लभा वसतीति भाव: । स च प्रार्थना-रोदनाभ्याभुद्भिद्यमान: सोद्भेदो भावो हृद्य इत्युच्यते । - सरस्वती', पृ. ३७९. SP declares हृद्यं सूक्ष्मं च भाव एव । पृ. ३९५.