Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
134. Bhoja cites this gāthā, attributed to Pādaliptasūri, as an example of one of the
varieties of Anumana (Inference), called सामान्यतो दृष्ट. Bhoja thus explains it : यत्रन कार्य, न कारणं केवलमविनाभावमात्रं प्रतीयते तत् सामान्यतो दृष्टम् । यथा - सरस्वती, पृ.३८३. .
Bhoja's comments on this gatha thus run : अत्र वर्षर्तुरविनाभूतैर्भेघगर्जितादिभिः सामान्येनैवानुमीयत इति सामान्यतो दृष्टमिदम् ।
136. The first half of this gatha is metrically defective. It may be emended to :
ण उणो वर-कोअंडे पुत्तिएँ माणूसए वि एमेअ ।
(न पुनर्वरकोदण्डे पुत्रि मानुषेऽप्येवमेव ।)
A similar idea is expressed in the second half of the following gāthā from Vajjalagga. S. No. 686. गुणहीणा जे पुरिसा कुलेण गव्वं वहति ते मूढा । वंसुप्पन्नो वि धणू गुणरहिए नत्थि टंकारो ||
M. V. Patwardhan observes in his Notes (p. 574) : "We must construe the words in the second half as follows :- (जइ वि) धणू वंसुप्पण्णो (होइ) (तह वि) गुणहिए (तम्मि) टंकारो नत्थि । The correct wording should be : वंसुप्पन्ने वि धणुम्मि निगुणे नत्थि टंकारो । "
In ŚP Bhoja cites this gāthā as an example of one kind of Drstānta, called Pūrva. But this statement and the statement in SK (pp. 354-355) are contradictory.
139. This well-known gātha Bhoja cites as an example of the figure Anyonyam.
(Pratīyamānam). The wayfarer and the young woman serving water to him become fascinated with each other and try to prolong the process of drinking and serving water.
Bhoja's comments on this gatha thus run : अत्र पथिक-प्रपापालिकयोमिथोऽनुरागे यदेकस्य विरलाङ्गुलिना करेण पानीयपानमन्यस्या:सुतरां वारिधारातनूकरणं तेन परस्परमुपकार्योपकारकभावात् प्रतीयमानमिदमन्योन्यम् । - सरस्वती, पृ. ३४७.
रत्नेश्वर adds :- न चायमेवंविधोऽर्थः केनापि शब्देनभिहित इति भवति प्रतीयमानता । वक्त-प्रतिपाद्यादिविशेषपर्यालोचनेनैव ध्वननमुन्मिषति । पृ. ३४७.