Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
बंधइ (-जण) (बन्धकी) (883.209) (connected scil. with many men), an unchaste woman. बलमोडि (बलमोडिअ, बलामोलि) d (बलादामोट्य) (24.441;13.421) forcibly, violently. बलिअ d(= पीन) (235.92) swelling, plump, large, round. Desi p. 209: बप्प-बलिया सुहड
पीणा |---बलिओ पीन:। बलिबंधन (ब/वलि-बंधन) (168.578), (i) binding of Bali, a Daitya, who prided himself
on his empire over the three worlds, by Visnu in his Dwarf-Incarnation. (ii)
forming three folds of skin on the abdomen. बाओल्लिअ (also बाउल्ली) (- पाञ्चालिका) (253.96) a human figure (painted on a wall), doll (Cf. Marathi बाहुली.) Read Desi.pp. 210-211: बहुमुह-बालय-बाउल्ली खल-वणिउत्त-पुत्तियासुंच। --- बाउल्ली पाञ्चालिका। बाह (बाष्प) (174.77) tears. बाहुमूल (बाहु-मूल) (22.46) lit. arm-pit, secondarily, breasts close to them. बाहोल्ल (बाष्पा) (675.175) moist or wet with tears. बिंदुइज्जत (बिन्दूयमान = बिन्दु-कीर्यमाण) (1413.301) being scattered or filled with drops (of .. sweat), 'with sweat dripping (from his face)'. बिब्भम (also विब्भम) (विभ्रम) (144.71) playful or graceful movements of the eyes,
__eye-brows and lips. बीअ (बीज) (84.58), the basic or primary cause. the val. बिल्ल means 'रहस्यम', a secret. बेंट (वन्त) (20.544) the footstalk of a leaf or flower or fruit. The context demands
the reading बोंड (d. कार्पास-फल) - cotton-fruit', cotton-boll. बेबंतओ (? वेवंतओ) (nom. sing. of बेबंत - pres. part. from वेव (वेप्) to quiver) (वेपमान:) - (3.529) quivering or trembling. भज्जिअ (भृष्ट, भर्जित) (698.178) baked, parched, broiled. भंडण d (= कलह) (652.171) a quarrel, dispute, bickering. Read Desi. p. 215: कलह -
आवत्तेसु भंडण - भममुहा | And भंडणं कलह :I Cf. भांडण in Marathi. भर (स्मृ) (190.81) to remember. . भसल (भ्रमर) (56.592) a bee. Read H. 8.1.244 भ्रमरे सो वा । भ्रमरे मस्य सो वा भवति ।