Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics भसलो भमरो । and, 8.1.254 : हरिद्रादौ ल:--- भसलो---
भ्रमरे ससंनियोगे एव । अन्यत्र भ्रमरो । भिसिणी (बिसिनी) (3.418) a lotus-plant. See H. 8.1.238. भिसिण/ भिसण d (अव + कृ) (1517.337) to scatter, throw. Note the v. I. “फसलिहिमि =
आच्छुरिष्यामि, अवगुण्ठयिष्यामि (fut. Ist pers. sing. from फसल d to cover, besmear, besprinkle)" is equally good. भुजंग (भुजङ्ग) (99.564) (i) a serpent, snake (ii) a lover, paramour. भूअ-छण (भूत-क्षण) (299.401) the festival of Bhuta-mahotsava or Bhuta mātr or Bhuta
matrka, the same as Pancalanuyana (For details see Raghavan, Festivals---, pp. 98-107). भोइअ d (भोगिन् / भोगिक) (660.172; 851.203) a village-chief, chief of village. Read
Desi. p. 217: भोअ-भोइआ भाडि-गामपवरेसु |--- भोइओ ग्रामप्रधानम् । भोइदेव (? भोगिदेव ? = कृष्ण ?) (1631.335) Krsna (?) There seems to be no support in mythology to understand भोगिदेव as कृष्ण. It is possible to emend the text to सच्चाए वि भोइ (= होइ) देअ (देव-) दंसण° and understand देव in the present context to mean कृष्ण (-देव) ! मअण (मदन) (23.533) bees-wax (used by ladies for their lips cracking due to cold). मअणाहि (मृगनाभि) (81.561) 'deer's navel', musk. मअपंक (मद-/ मृग-पङ्क) (196.82)a thick mass of musk (the dark spots on the moon). मअरद्धअ (मकर-ध्वज) (26.25) the God of Love, Madana, having a fish on his banner,
having the 'makara' for an emblem. मअलंछण (मृग-लाञ्छन) (196.82) 'deer-marked', the moon. मइलंग (मइल + अंग) (-मलिनाङ्ग) (11.583); मलिन = soiled, darkened; (The Vindhya
mountain) darkened (by---) मइलिअ / मलिइअ (मलिनित) (166.76) soiled. मउलाविय (मुकुलीकृत) (804.195) closed and turned into the form of a bud. मउलिअ (मुकुलित) (581.158; 1403.299) closed (and turned into the form of a bud).