Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
उत्तारिअ (उत्तारित) (1567.325) removed, taken off. उद्धच्छ (ऊर्ध्वाक्ष) (139.69) 'with one's eyes turned upwards'. उद्घमाइअ (उद्भुमाइअ) (व्याप्त, पूरित) (48.349) filled with, pervaded. उद्धर (उद्धर) (1274.276) heavy, full of. उप्पड (उत् + पत्) (56.53) to jump up, spring up. उब्भेसअ (उभेषक) (1523.318) frightening, terrifying. उम्मइअ d (मूढ) (40.14) stupefied, bewildered, indolent. उम्मंथर (?उम्मच्छर d (निरर्गल) (49.521) unrestrained, violent, impetuous, wild. उम्मिल्ल (उन्मील, उन्मीलित) (1379.294) opened. उम्हाअंत (त्थणी) [ऊष्मायमाण (स्तनी)] (74.56) 'having naturally warm breasts'. उरल्लि (?ओरल्ली) d (गलगर्जितम्) (46.18) growl, roaring sound from the throat. Read Desi (p. 60): 'दीहरमहुरझुणीए ओरल्ली' ओरल्ली दीर्घमधुरध्वनि :। उल्लट (उद्वर्तु; उल्लटइ-उद्वर्तते) (538.21) to turn down. उल्लल (उल्ललइ = स्थैर्यं न लभते = नावतिष्ठते) (773.191) to slip aside. उल्लाअइ (आर्दीभवति) (258.392) becomes wet. उल्लीण (उपलीन ? आलीन) (592.160) clung to. उल्लूरण (भजन) (858.204) the act of being plucked or cut उल्लूर d (= छिद्) to pluck,
• ' cut. उव (7उअ) (पश्य) (1291.279) - 'Look'! Read H. उअ पश्य । 8.2.211. उवआर (उपचार) (145.71) courtesy, polite behaviour, (external display of courtesy). उवह (?उअह) (पश्यत) (176.683) Look ! Read Desi (p.41) : उअह त्ति 'पेच्छह' अत्थे । उअह
. पश्यत ।
उवहारिआ d (दोहनकारिका) (986.226) a dairy-maid. उवालंभ (उपालम्भ) (652.171) taunt or reproach. उव्वत्तण (उद्वर्तन) (579.158) changing or turning the sides of the body (in sleep). उव्वरिअ d (अवशिष्ट) (1589.329) the rest'.
_Read Desi (p.52) अहिअ-अवंछिअ-णिच्छिअ-ताव-अगणिएसु उव्वरिअं ।