Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
offences done to me and I patiently bore the pangs of separation from you. Now, why should you feel bad about it? Really speaking it should be me
- to feel so. 1109. Well, you should remember that young men do hurt the feelings of their
charming lovers right from the beginning and if they show their displeasure, these men become reckless and indulge in their stupidities all the more
shamelessly. 1110. For translation vide SP S. No. (1017.232) supra 1111. For translation vide SPS. No. (1008.230) supra. 1112. Friend, this is just the way love goes, twisting and turning like the tendrils
of a young cucumber plant. O, please, don't turn that moonlike face away
and weep. 1113. Why should you weep and let yourself become thin like this o, shapely -
bodied one (sutanu)? You lose temper with everyone. You should have known what a queer mixture of contradictions love is, can you change it?
(Or, That love is fatal like poison. You can't change its nature, can you ?) 1114. My dear girl, why should you stand with your face turned away from your
dear man when he comes to you ? Really how much of anger can you really show when he can see easily marks of thrill and excitement on your back
and know how well-disposed your heart is towards him? 1115. This fidgetting with your bracelets, this turning down of your face, tears
running drip- drop, your repressed sighs --- Ah, dear, you know very well
how to express your (jealous) anger! 1116. For translation vide ŚP S. No. (321.109) supra 1117. When he fell at your feet, you didn't care to notice him. When he spoke
endearingly, you only scoffed at him; and when he started to leave, you
didn't stop him — say, what you gained by your sulkiness. 1118. Dear girl, if you want to indulge in the pleasure of being wooed back into
appeasement, then shed tears, look angry with your charming man, bui just
for a little while. 1119. Jealous anger, maintained even helplessly (on the advice of friends) yields