Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
plenty of cajoling: the lover falling at your feet, the pleasure of passionate
kissing—and such other pleasures(-0, it is a festival of joy!) 1120. Intoxicated with pride I found some reason (for a quarrel) although in fact
there was none and by abstaining from meeting him (i.e. by avoiding him),
I destroyed our love by my defiant and arroagant attitude. 1121. For translation vide ŚP S. No. (325.110) supra 1122. O, dear girl, O, you may be fortunate, you may be charming, you may
be young, you may be proud, but why do you torment us like a
sandal-creeper, tormented by a snake (a lover)? 1123. Since youth ebbs away like the flood of a river, since days are always on
their feet (i.e. continuously fleeting) and nights too, once gone, never return,
what is the good, my dear girl, of this your accursed sulkiness? 1124. Dear girl, you are maintaining anger without any reason but your whole
body is covered with horripilation—thus you are found out: You are longing
for the pleasure of unrestrained-tight or close-embracing. 1125. She felt appeased by your entreaties and started counting your acts of
misbehaviour; the poor lady broke into weeping because both her hands
didn't have enough fingers to count them all. 1126. For translation vide ŚP S. No. (261.97) supra
(Verse 1127 is corrupt and obscure.) 1128. O, simple, minded girl, he is teasing (lit. deceiving) you by calling you by
the name of some other woman. Don't weep. Look at his eyes; aren't they
dilated, as they look at you? 1129. O, angry girl, don't you see that if he calls you by the name of some other
woman, he only loves to watch your face when your eyes are hopping mad
with jealousy. 1130. For translation vide ŚP S. No. (256.96) supra 1131. Dear boy, don't tease (lit. cheat, deceive) her by calling her by the names
of some other women. She too knows how to return the joke. 1132. For translation vide ŚP S. No. (528.149) supra