Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
looks and smile significantly.
846. The Murala (river) meanders near our village and at every bend there are
lovely thickets of reeds. Dear brother-in-law, you havn't visited our village nor seen the river, have you?
847. That foolish deer was so tormented by the accursed mirages that it turned
away its face even from real water (of the rivers)!
(Verse 848 is corrupt and obscure.)
849. O, Madhūka tree, forming a dense thicket on the bank of the river Godā,
O, you who are bending under the burden of countless flowers and whose branches are reaching as far as / almost touching the ground below, please listen to my prayer : Don't be in such a hurry to shed your flowers and leaves
(lit. shed (your leaves and flowers) rather slowly). 850. For translation vide ŚP S. No. (708.180) supra 851. O, Banyan tree, you have as it were interned the dark half of the month
in the village square (lit. the central village-yard), the entire village clinging to you (residing around you) over a long distance on all sides, with you at the centre, lives happily in spite of the strict and intolerant chief.
(Verse 852 is corrupt and obscure.)
(Verse 853 is treated in the Notes.)
854. The forceful current of the mountain stream is sweeping down the kadamba
flower, while its filaments are being torn by the whirling water but the bee clinging to it does not give it up, it sinks and comes out of the water with
(Verse 855 is corrupt and obscure.)
856. You are plucking the twigs of the Karañja tree on the bank of the river with
a hope to reach heaven, but O, pious man, your feet are still planted on this earth!
857. Why do you complain that you get no alms in such a big village like ours;