The Apabhramśa Passages From SP
The Sanskrit chāya :
पद-पीडित-महिषासुरदेहायाः भुवन...............शशिलेखायाः। सुर-सुख-ददत्-चलित-धवलाक्ष्याः जयति सुहासम् वदनम् महालक्ष्म्याः ॥
The metre is to be identified as Vadanaka with 16 (i.e. 6 + 4+4+2) Mātrās in each of its four Pādas.
30. The illustration of the Lāsya variety of Preksya. (ŚP. p. 382). The printed text is as follows:
उच्चिउ वालीयिअ पहिं जन्तउ । पेक्खमि हत्थं होइ जइ लोअणवंतउ ॥
The same verse occurs in the SK. (p. 307).
The text may be restored as follows:
उच्चिअ पालि पिउ पयहि जंतउ । पेक्खमि हत्थु होइ जइ लोअणवंतउ ॥
The Sanskrit chāyā :
उच्चा पालिः प्रियम् पथि यान्तम् । प्रेक्षे हस्तः भवति यदि लोचनवान् ॥
The metre is of the Antarasamä Catuspadi type with 7, 13, 7.13 Mātrās in the successive Pādas. A word of three Mātrās appears to be missing in the second Päda.
31. The illustration of the Tandava variety of Preksya (SP. p. 382).
The printed text is as follows:
सुअवहइअरणिसुणिअ दारुणुरोसविसट्ठपहाररुहिरारुणु । जलिउ जाणइ णरु रिउसन्तावणु अणलसरिच्छ जइ होइ महारणु ॥
The same verse occurs in the SK. (p. 308). The text may be restored as under:
सुअ-वह-वइअरु णिसुणिउ दारुणु रोस- विसट्ट-प (?) हर-रुहिरारुणु । जलिउ णाइ णरु रिउ-संतावणु अणल-सरिच्छु जि होइ महारणु ॥