have a potential to take India to the path of prosperity. But, I seek your guidance and views as to how the people of India can make strides in spiritual thinking.
Acharyashri: Send your representatives to me. Let us reflect on it deeply, formulate a plan and make an intensive effort in that direction.
President: The spiritual leaders should join hands and build a bridge.
Acharyashri: It is a very good idea.
President: DJ I take it as your blessing?
Acharyashri: Yes, we have established 'Ahimsa Samvaya' (a forum of nonviolence). It too has exactly the same objective. The individuals and organizations working in the field of non-violence and world peace should think over it collectively. Their unified energies will lend strength to this project.
President: Yes, I agree.
Acharyashri: We were in Gujarat some time back. Communal riots hit the state. We invited the main leaders from both the communities - Hindus and Muslims. We had a dialogue with them and explained to them that the violence was not the solution to any problem. We had many meetings. Everyone respected our views. It led to the creation of a peaceful environment. If religious leaders undergo a change, violence generated by sectarian fundamentalism will come to an end.
President: (Smiling). It would be better if you could persuade them to meditate on their 'frontal lobes'. Acharyashri: If the research scholar who is doing research under your guidance directs his study towards these experiments, his research may lead to some positive results. President: I will certainly send him to you. Acharyashri: It is imperative that this process of thinking between you and me continues. It will not be possible for you to come everywhere but your representative can become the bridge of a dialogue.
President: My friend and eminent scientist, Dr. Y.S. Rajan will continue to meet you as my representative.
Acharyashri: Your scientific thinking may prove to be highly beneficial to the country. Socrates had said, "A ruler should be a philosopher." Today I want to
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