say in these words, "A ruler should be a scientist. If it is so, he will try to reach the root of the cause. He will also be less egoistic."
President: (Smiling) And, if egoism persists, he can be advised to meditate on the 'frontal lobe'. Is there any role of breathing in it?
Acharyashri: There is an intimate connection of breathing. Long breathing is very important in controlling emotions. An ordinary person completes 15 to 16 breaths in a minute. The number goes up to 30-40, the moment he is excited or when he is in the grip of anger, fear and passions. If the excitement is most intensive, the number of breaths can still be more. In figurative language an emotion can be likened to a king who will not come without an aeroplane. Short breath is his vehicle. If the number of breaths is less, emotions will calm down. Long breathing awakens the right hemisphere.
President: (Turning his attention towards the notes written in his diary). Is it possible to diminish or lessen ego and anger?
Acharyashri: It is quite possible. In preksha Meditation camps we had many people who practised it and were able to exercise control over it. Send five students who are temperamental and are always angry. We will expose them to the experiments of Preksha Meditation for a period of five weeks. You will yourself notice the wonderful result.
President: I am happy. I have got a new insight, a new light today. I have discovered a new pathway as to how we can mould our people into spiritually elevated humans and how we can succeed in this direction.
Acharyashri: If this process of thinking continues for a longer period, we can succeed in resolving many problems.
President: ....Your wise counsel is auspicious not only for me but for the entire country.
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