today is the evolving of a spiritual-scientific individual. Mere spirituality is not very useful and mere science can prove to be dangerous. That is why we need to create an individual who is both spiritual and scientific."
President: Both spirituality and science are connected with each other.
Acharyashri: As a matter of fact science and spirituality are not two separate things.
President: yes.
Acharyashri: Both science and spirituality aim at seeking the truth.
President: A spiritual leader can also be a scientist and a scientist is also likely to be spiritual person. But the problem today is a different one, which is, how can a religious person become a spiritual person? Today an individual may be religious but it is not necessary that he is also spiritual. Acharyashri: What you are saying is true. There was a time when dharma was in the hands of those who practised it. Today, it has passed into the hands of priests and preachers. Mahavira, Buddha, Christ, Nanak, Zoroaster were all devoted to spiritual practice. Today we have mere religious preachers in their names. Today religion is dominated more by plutocracy than by spiritual practice. President: In India there are millions of people who believe in religion. How can we transform them? How can we mould them into spiritual humans?
Acharyashri: It is extremely difficult, but if we begin from students and mould their minds, we can achieve some success. We are working in this direction. If we can have some representatives from your side, the work can make tremendous progress.
President: I have met about twenty thousand students in a period of two years. Why do I meet them? Acharyaji, it is my mission. I have a strong desire deep in my heart as to how we can make our country spiritually elevated. This is a legacy of our country. It is imperative that we disseminate widely the spiritual legacy bequeathed to us by Mahavira, Buddha and other spiritual leaders. Acharyaji, I went to Nagaland and met the students of eighth standard. On of the children said, "I want to live peacefully. I want to live a happy, secure and prosperous life. Please tell me when will it be possible? When will our country be beautiful, secure and prosperous with peace prevailing everywhere?" I told him that I would let him know after I have consulted Acharyaji. Guruji Acharyaji, I know how India can be developed and made economically prosperous. We
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