above the feeling of 'I' and 'mine' is 'veetraag'. The spiritual practice of ‘veetraagta' or the state of mind free from desires and passions takes a person to a state of higher consciousness.
President: The greatest problem is that of ego - I and mine. How can it be expelled from the human mind?
Acharyashri: The frontal lobe of the human mind is the territory of emotions and feelings. If one meditates upon it, the ego diminishes and the positive emotions become active. There is another part of the brain called 'limbic system'. Hypothalamus is one of its parts. The vibrations emitted by our higher conscious mind influence the hypothalamus. One may be a student or an adult, if we want to transform him, he should be made to meditate on his hypothalamus. Change is inevitable. If a person visualizes bright white colour on ‘Jyoti-kendra' (centre of mind), his passions, like anger etc. will calm down. President: Acharyaji, today, the problem is that our country is very big and it is in fact being ruled by arrogance and self-centredness.
Acharyashri: Persons who attain high positions, after undergoing proper training can be transformed, but those who hold the rein of power have not undergone any sort of training, they create problems. If they are trained right from the beginning, such a situation will not arise.
President: We will have to begin the process of training from the children only.
Acharyashri: Yes, we have identical views. If we concentrate our efforts on the present generation, the future generation is likely to be better. We have made some experiments of ‘Jivan-Vigyan' in the tribal area of Jhabuva district and that training has yielded very encouraging results. President: What types of experiments are made under your guidance? Acharyashri: We make experiments on meditation, which help the practitioners to control their emotions. We also carry experiments on yogic postures, preksha meditation, contemplative meditation (anupreksha) and willpower. They awaken pituitary and pineal glands and control the adrenaline gland. Not mere theoretical but also practical training is imparted. The entire programme of training is being conducted in a scientific manner. President: And this is done by means of spirituality? Acharyashri: Our guru, Acharya Tulsi used to say, "The greatest need of
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