Now the process of making gold is expliained. 'Mahaviram' 'Ma' = Hemamākṣikam (golden pyrites) ha = ḥāṭakam gold, Vi black mica, 'ra' rasam mercury. The remaining medicines are equal. 'Sukumala' = Naini (Nagadanti = Croton obongifolia), Dhira Nai, (Aristolochia bracteata), 'soma' = some valı (Sarostemma brevistigama) - these three.
Ratta = Raktadugdhika (Red Euphorbia piluifera), 'Kasiņa iti' = Kṛṣṇa bahuphalı Cantichorus)= Kamcanika (māsaparṇi-wild adad, a kind of pulse). 'Pamḍura' devadāla (luffa echinata. Andropogon serratus); 'Si' iti = Sṛngikavisam (Acontium chasmanthamum); 'Ri' iti Laghu rigani (small brinjal). 'Nikeya' iti Ketaki (agave). Their essence is to be taken. 'Siya' iti Langalika (Gloriosa - Superba), 'Kusa gaha' iti = Ahikharibijani (seeds of Ahikhari) Ahror), 'Bhiru' iti = Lajjaluka (Mimosa), 'Jalamamḍanika = Maṇḍukabrahmi (Maṇḍukaparni Hydrocotyle asiatica)
'Sthalamamḍanikā = Ambāvāni (
= Sunali (Akāṣavalli Amarbel = Cuscuta reflexa)
'Na cayamti' (does not give up), 'Viro' agnistasya (fire), its lilām = agairupatām (fireness or brightness), hatum = tyaktum (to give up), na śaknuvamiti cannot (or is not able to give up), bhasvarakārtasvarupatvāt (due to its brightness like gold).
That is to say, mica, killed lead and gold cannot give up fire - form due to their brightness. What are pamkaya gaiṁda and Camḍa? 'Pamkaya' abhrakam ityartha mica, 'Gaimda' iti mṛtanaga (killed = gaganam lead). 'Gaimda' iti mṛtanaga (killed lead) 'Camḍaiti = hemam (gold). Trityampai va I. Ete capamkagadayaḥ kidṛṣā santo Viralilam na tyajamti ityāha 'Surihimatta paḍipunna' = Surabhimātrā pratipurṇaḥ samagra yathoktamātrollamghnehi, na siddhirataste surabhimātra pratipurna iti.,
Jain Education International
) 'Nabhamamḍanikā
That is to say, mica, killed lead and gold cannot give up fire-form = brightness, because of being full of their quantities (Matra) of brightness. Keṣām Kāryāṇām sampadayitri ya matta ata aha :
'Loyaṇam camkammiya muhanam ti' = Locanam = rocanam = Vedha ityarthaḥ (intensification or piercing process).
The process by which mercury is mixed with Vyavayi medicines (i.e., opium, etc.) and cast into any metal is called Vedha.
'Camkammiya.' iti Kramana. It is the made by taking equal portion of each of the woman's milk and borax to rub them together throughout the day,
process of alchemy which is
dirt of the ear of buffalo,
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