Hingula' (Cinnabar) : Hingula is used in various chemical processes and medicines. like other common minerals. According to the Rasaratna Samuccaya.? Hingula is of two kinds (1) śukatunda and (2) Namšapāda Sukatunda is also called carmāra. It is of inferior quality and Hamsapāda is of best quality. Quick silver extracted from it is as efficacious as killed by sulphur. Hingula can be purified by giving 7 saturations with the juice of ginger or Badahala. If given saturation with the milk of she sheep (ewe) oramlavarge after heating it, its colour becomes golden colour or of the colour of best Kesar.
. The process of producing Cinnabar. (1) Take mercury sr. and realgar į sr., melt lead and put powder of
realgar into it, i.e. reduce them to paste. This is to be known from guruparamparā; grind these three toge ther and fill the mixture into glass casket, put that casket into a yantra. Fill that yantra with sand particles, give it fire for 8 praharas. Make dipakāca (dipakāgni), put
the yantra on it. That is, cinnabar is produced. 3 (2) Take sulphur-5 srs., realgar 2 srs,, mercury-12 srs. Vā. (vā) shāhi
tolo, all these are to be given heat for 16 praharas. There will be
hamsapakahimgalo (cinnabar)*. (3) Take finely pounded cinnabar pai. 1 and pai. 2. Make 2 crucibles
by grinding lead finely; put cinnabar into that cruicble and close it. Make the ball of these (Vibhuti); put it into that. Make the ball of ashes of goat's dung melted, close the ball of vibhūti and give it fire
for 2 praharas. White cinnabar is produced.“ (4) Combine cinnabar pai. 1-ciņotņi pai. 3, tabakhira (powder) cooked in
water and milk or Indian arrowroot (curcum angustifoua) pai. 3 and
Muragi chaleta. Cinnabar is produced. (5) Give 7 pațas (roaslings) of lemon to mercury-1 sr. f sr., of sulphur
and realagar tā 9 and get them dried up. Fill them into a casket (or bottle), give it fire. Cinnabar is produced. It is of 4 paktis (Pakascookings.)? 1. S.RSS., 9.15; III. 41; IX. 16; IX. 17; IX. 44. 2. RS., 3/147-154. 3. SRSS., Ch. 9.15. 4. SRSS., Ch. III. 41 5. SRSS., Ch. IX. 16
Sx. Notidentfied 6. Ibid., Ch. IX. 17 7. SRSS., IX. 44
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