works that mercurial and metalig preparations gradually supplanted the vegetable drugs and the term Rasa! was substituted for quick silver because of its semi fluid character and its miraculous therapeutical action on the humours of the the human body. 2
· The Suvarna-Raupya-Siddhi-şāstra, uses the term “Rasa” or “Rasāyana's (derived from arsa juice and ayana, way) in the sense of medicine 'preventing old age and prolonging life the etixir Vitae. Later on rasāyana was almost exclusively applied to the employment of mercury and other metals in medicine. 6
Like the author of the Rasaratna Samuccaya, Vagbhat, the author of the Suvarna-Raupya-Siddhi Sāstra, Jinadatta Sūri and the author of the Rasaratai Samuccaya, Māņikyadeva Sūri, advocated the philosophy of mercury with its accomplishment for the removal of disease, old age and poverty and the elixir vitae and longivity of life.
Mercury is named by the term rasa rasendra, Sata.10 Pāro 11 pārada 12 in the Survarna Raupya Siddhi Sāstra of Jindątta Sari, the Rasaratna Samuc. caya of Manikyadeva Sūri, 13 Rasārņava!' and Rasaratnasamucoaya15 of Vagbht. 1. SRSS. Ch. 14.1 "Rasatamkatrayam sūddham Krşñadhātūraabijaje" etc. 2. SRSS. Ch. 14. 1-14. 3. SRSS. Ch. 1. 11, 14 etc. 4. Ibid. ch. 3, 82, Rs. 3-35, 36. 5. Ibid, ch. IX. 1, 2, (Amarakāyākare). 6. Rasaratnasamuccaya 2, 21 etc. 7. “Disayu khayam Sarvaduriyāņam” Ch. II., gā. 4, SRSS. Savvaduriyam
= Dāridrarogajarādināṁ (şayam) Tika, Ibid., 8. SRSS. Ch. I. II. etc. 9. Ikdi., ch. 2. 14. 2. 62. 10. Ibid, Ch. 1, 9, 1-16, 1-41, 1-44, etc. 11. Ibid, ch. 29, 1 38, 1.56, etc.; 12. Ibid., Ch. 5. 42. 13. Rasaratna Samuccaya, Manikyadeva. Rasa, (A. 1.14) Rasendra (A. II,
14), Suta (A. 11. 39) Pārada (A. 1. 23). 14. Tvam mata Sarvabhūtānam pita çabam Sangtanah/Dvayoga yo raso
devi maha maithunasambhavab//Svairatah sambhavad devi Paradah kirtito mahab/Parada gadito yasca Parartham sadhakottamah//suto' ayam matsamo devi mama pratyangasambhavah / Mama deharasao yasmāt
rasastenāyamucyate// Rasārnava, 1.34–36. 15. Raso rasendrah satasca pārado migrakastathā/
Iti evamvidho jatah ksetra. Vedbena Sambhujah // Rasaratnasamuccaya, 1/67. Vagbhat.
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