Development of Nāgarī Script
which either upper curve to right and lower to left (Table N38) or upper curve to left and lower to right (Tables N43 and N44). Sign for Eight
The numeral 8 is denoted by initial vowel u like letter in BodhGayā inscription (Table Ns), bha like in Guhil grants (Table No), da like in Daultābād plate (Table N15), vra like in Jodhpur inscription (Table N21) and hrā like form in Bengāl Asiatic Society's plate (Table N24). To trace the developmental stages of modern Nāgarī form, we find that it is represented as a rightward curve in Table N4. In the next developmental stage the upper portion become flattened with a downward slanted stroke (Table N23). Further, lower slant transforms into a rightward curve (Tables N37 & N20). Finally, upper flat line protrudes to the left (Tables N35, N40). This shape is still employed in Nāgarī. As for other signs, one horizontal line with two falling strokes is the shape in Gujarat (N28) and Chinchni (N29) plates, rightwards peculiar notched with curly extremity in Kūretha plate (Table N34), leftward double curved shape in Thāņā plates (N44) and leftward hooked shape in Bassein inscription (Table N45). Sign for Nine
The numeral 9 is represented by a leftward curve with notch in earlier period. Letter ra is the shape for it in Bodh Gayā inscription (Table N5), jya in Nālandā (N16) and Pettasar Grant (N17) and u in Bengāl Asiatic Society's Plate (Table N24). In later period generally two signs are employed for this numeral: (i) leftward hooked shape with a circle at the upper end and (ii) double curved shape. Second shape furnished numeruous sub-varieties which can be best understood by the illustrations shown in Plates 176 & 177. Of these sub-varieties, Konī inscription (Table N37) reveals developed features with both curves turning to right. From this shape modern Nāgarī form evolved in due course. Sign for Ten
A separate sign is employed for the numeral notation 10, in old specimens. The letter ma with its open mouth turned to right is the shape for ten in earlier stages. Progressively, the left loop mouth opened and upper arm
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