Numerals and Other Signs
(N10) it is represented as an upward hooked shape with a knob at the upper end. A righward hooked shape is employed for this sign in the Gayā epigraph of the time of Sultan Muizzudin (Table N33). However, in general, this notation is denoted by the letter ja, where the head-mark disappears. Jodhpur inscription of Bāuk (A.D. 837; Table N21) represents a transitional shape formed by an upward opened curve with notched left limb. The next developmental stage is marked by Jodhpur grant of Simha
(A.D. 997; Table N ), where the right limb forms a straight line; but left limb still is notched. Finally, the right limb became straight and the left one cursive (Tables N25, N26, N39, N40, N42, N46). From this form modern Nāgari shape evolved in course of time.
Sign for Six
The earlier specimens frequently show the form of ja for the numeral notation 6. Thereafter in Madhuban plate of Harsha (Table No) it is shown by the letter da or drā. Sāmangadh (Table N14) and Chicācole (N18) plates reveal a phase of developing the modern sign, represented as a curve with a slanted stroke. In further developmental stage (Table N23) upper curve is turned to right and lower slanted stroke develops into a hook shape. Finally, both limbs of the vertical become cursive with a vertical tail (Tables Nan & N47). However, this developed form continued in use from the 10th century. Alongwith the developed sign, peculiar headless da like letter-form of the numeral 6 is noticed even in the 11th century (Table
Sign for Seven
In tracing the development of Nāgarī numeral 7 we observe that it was shown by a downward curve in the earlier periods. In developing stages, the right limb of the curve extends downward (Table N14), progressively turned to left in various degrees (N35, N36, N46) and finally prolongs upwards (N37, N42). Side by side with these developed marks other forms are also noticed such as a leftward double curved shape like incipient mark of the numeral 3 (Tables N20 & N25), a hooked shape with a notch in right limb and a head-line (Table N34) and a double curved shape in
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