I am the Soul
laid down the scriptures, propounded four different anuyogas (3)? Since all the stages of progress, from the beginning to the highest, are based on the premise of syadvada (PR), all the jivas, depending on the level of their progress can draw inspiration, with the assistance of their learning, from these Anuyogas (3).
Earlier when we discussed the greatness of the sermons of the Jineshwar, it had been mentioned that the sermons were classified into four categories on the basis of their content, namely -
1. Dravyanuyoga
2. Charanakarananuyoga
3. Dharmakathanuyoga 4. Ganitanuyoga
Dravyanuyoga - in which the various substances including jivas have been analysed. The substance, characteristics and variant forms of Jiva (a) and ajiva (3). Going further, the repercussions of the natural and the deviant variances and the like have been dealt with in this anuyoga.
Charanakarananuyoga - in which the principles and practice suited to the lives of both Sadhus (saints) and Shravaks (householders) have been analysed. This anuyoga details the 5 Mahavratas, 5 Samitis and 3 Guptis of the Sadhus and the 12 vows of the Shravaks.
Dharmakathanuyoga - This anuyoga relates the life-stories of those jivas who attained siddhi through devoted practice and of those who continue to wander in the universe due to their sins.
Ganitanuyoga - This anuyoga describes the three parts of the Universe, various dimensions of Geography and Astronomy, the calculations, the numbers etc.
Jain Educationa International
The reason why four such anuyogas were formulated was the human mind! Every human differs from the other in taste, interests, thinking, status. These anuyogas prove useful in turns for the mind in its varied states.
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