I am the Soul
the soul - independent of the body', so that the compassion in thought is strengthened.
If broad application of prudence strengthens physical compassion, then finer internal prudence strengthens compassion in thought. Thus an all round prudence awakens. That is the qualification of a seeker of Moksa. So a jiva should first assess his own qualification. Giving due consideration to his own taste, interest and capability, he should decide what and how much he can do on the path of devoted practice, and then do it.
To win over the internal tendencies, should outward renunciation be deemed necessary, then that should be done. Should the ability to exercise restraint over internal tendencies even without external renunciation, be developed then internal restraint be exercised.
For the elevation of the soul, three paths have been indicated - the path of enlightenment, the path of devotion and the path of karma. Of these three, one may follow any one path that leads to the improvement of the soul. That is to say, it will be necessary to make a choice of a suitable path keeping in consideration the level of internal improvement, the progress, the storage of feelings. It is necessary to judiciously ascertain as to which path leads to welfare. The situation is not the same for all jivas. For some the path of devotion might help progress, others might find it on the path of enlightenment while yet others might progress on the path of Karma. The judicious choice is to be made by one self.
When the jiva reaches far ahead on any one of these paths, then all these three paths dissolve into one in his practice. At the end, the unification of these three paths itself offers the result of Moksa.
Srimadji has said in his letters (Srimad Rajachandra Vachnanmrut 25:8), that it is essential for a jiva to analyse between appropriate - inappropriate, in another way too. Keeping in view the human mind he asks why has the Bhagawant who
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