I am the Soul
Srimadji says, if mind has become doubtful, then it is advisable to study Dravyanuyogu. Having doubts is natural in humans. The mind particularly hesitates in placing faith in indirect principles as compared to direct ones. That is why, mind doubts the veracity of the teachings of the Omniscient. Even the omniscience of the Omniscient is not believed. In the same way, the mind begins to very much doubt such statements of Niscaya Naya (F219 79) as “I am the Soul” or “Am apart from the material world”. When such a quandary about one's own existence and the dynamics of the world bothers the mind, and if there is no opportunity to seek the company of a great sage, when there is no likelihood of the doubt getting solved, a self-study of Dravyanuyogu, (which proves the independent existence of the soul and the inanimate substances, which dwells upon the ephemeral nature of the relation arising out of the sanyog swabhava), resolves the self about the self. 'I am the soul and am indestructible, am a pure substance for eternity, can awaken the supreme soul element in lying within'; such a strong belief arises out of this self-study. The mind becomes free of doubts and begins to frolic in an unwavering faith.
If the mind has become indifferent, then it is advisable to study the Dharmakathanuyoga. Here indifference is to be understood in two ways. Brothers! In common parlance one who does not like to do anything and lies about lazily is called indifferent. Such a person has no regard for worldly activity and at the same time has a dislike for religious activity - vows - observances. In spite of being physically and mentally capable, the extreme indifference for religious duties keeps him from doing anything.
The other sense of indifference is forgetting the Self. Very short yet a very meaningful definition indeed. The moments wherein we forget the soul, are the moments of indifference. How many moments do you forget the soul? Ah! You never
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