Creator, and from what material was the first thing manufactured ?
Just realize the situation for a moment. God decided to make the first thing in the universe, and gave the word of command. But who obeyed it when there was nobody but God alone in existence? Then, the thing was made, but it is of the utmost importance to find out where the material for its manufacture came from, when there was absolutely nothing else but the Creator himself? The answer to both these questions can only be that God obeyed his own command and projected the material for manufacturing the thing he desired to make from within himself. There is no getting over these conclusions by any process of reasoning, for we cannot get substantiveness out of pure nothing. There yet remains the how of the making which is described with fuller detail in the Old Testament of the Holy Bible to which, apparently, the Mahomedans are indebted for their ideas on the subject. Assuming light to be the first thing made, we shall proceed to enquire into the process which resulted in its manifestation. According to the Book of Genesis, God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. Let us see what took place at that all-important moment when God said, “Let there be light," and light came into existence. Now, the very first thing which strikes the enquiring mind in this connection is that God must have formed a mental image of light before he could have commanded it to be made, for he must have known what he desired to make.
The last words of the chronicler are of tremendous import in this connection. It is recorded, “And God
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