saw the light that it was good." We say that a certain thing is good only when it tallies with a certain idea, or image, in our mind. This is the common experience of mankind all the world over. It is, therefore, clear that when God saw that the light which had been made was of the same description which he had mentally determined to make, he declared it to be good. The conclusion, obviously, is that God had, before giving or formulating the word of command, formed a mental conception of light which he wanted to make, so that when light was made, he compared it with the 'image' in his mind, and finding the production good, felt satisfied and expressed his pleasure. The first step, then, in the creation of light was the mental image which had formed itself in the mind of the Lord. We have already seen that there was no one else at the time who could have obeyed his command, so that the Lord God must have obeyed it himself. This conclusion, however, renders it necessary for us to interpret the word, "said " in the text-"And God said let there be light,"- -so as to make it harmonize with the conclusions already drawn. The matter does not present any great difficulty, for, in the absence of any other being, God must have "said" to himself, which really comes to this that he thought of the existence of light, and held a mental image of it in his mind. The language of command is also significant in this connection. It was not "Do, or make," but "Let there be," indicating that it was not addressed to any one, but was a sort of soliloquy on the part of God. We also know that the material of which light was made came from the being of God him
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