theologians of the Christian and Muslim persuasions do not hesitate to stifle the voice of their intellect, and to assert that matter was created from nothing, at the command, or creative fiat, of their God. Even the metaphysically inclined Hindu Deism goes the length of saying that as the spider spins out its web from within its belly, or as the dreamer's mind creates the panorama of the dream-world from within itself, so does the creator project the material, the frame-work and all of the universe from within himself; and just as the spider withdraws its web within itself, so does the creator re-absorb the whole universe at the end of the 'cosmic day. This is monism with a vengeance; but it has to be ushered into the world at the cost of rationality. Even the satisfaction which the Hindu doctrine seems to afford is more apparent than real, since it implies the acknowledgment of duality in the 'spider's belly,' in the first instance.
It would be interesting in this connection to examine the Mahomedan and Christian accounts of creation to see what light they throw on the nature of the Creator and the universe. According to the Mahomedan belief, man was made from a handful of dust. Just so; but what we want to know is this : Did the dust exist independently of God, or was it also made by him some time prior to the making of man? Let us go back, step by step, tracing the source of things, till we get to the very first thing created or made by the Almighty. We have now reached a point of time when there was nothing else but God in existence, and are entitled to ask, who obeyed the first “Kun” (let it be done) uttered by the
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