Lastly, from the practical side of the question, Vedanta cannot be said to have been proved to be a practical creed, since Brahman has never needed liberation, and since the individual souls, being pure, illusory forms of subjective hallucination, are debarred, by their very nature, from its attainment. Hence, no one can be said to have ever been benefited by its teaching; and, since no religion whose doctrines have never been subjected to the test of practicability can be regarded as a practical system of God-realisation, Adwaitism has no right to rank with those that have been proved to be so. Hence, its authority rests purely on the con jectures of men, and is not supported, in the leas degree, by the testimony of any one who may be said t have benefited by its wisdom.
We might now even liken the world to a dream, if w like, but the result cannot be in any way different, since the termination of a dream only means the extinction, and not the emancipation, of the dream-creatures. Hence, the soul which approaches the Advaita Vedanta, with a view to obtain everlasting happiness, must prepare itself to be wiped out of existence.
It is thus clear that the aspiration of Idealism to attain to a monistic culmination is foredoomed to failure.
There remains the monistic aspiration of theological origin to be considered; for obsessed, as it is, with the notion of an Almighty God and blinded by its ambition to attain to unification of thought, theology has no alternative but to posit an Over Soul as the Creator of the material and all of the universe. Accordingly, the
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