During the month of Ashvin (Aaso), Sur-sundari The Vidyadhar took Sur-sundari to his
practiced the nine day Oli-tap.* She observed Ayambil palace where his four wives greeted the
during this period and did non stop chanting of Navapad. guest. This is my sister.
On the ninth day goddess Chakreshvari appeared. She will stay with us
Daughter, now. Please take all
why have you evoked me? We her care.
Mother, you can welcome you.
see my predicament. When will I meet my
husband? Please show me the way.
Sur-sundari happily lived with the Vidyadhar family.
Goddess Chakreshvari
Daughter, your husband is safe in Simhal island. You will meet your husband after twelve years in the town of Venatat. Till then you should
remain here.
When twelve years were past she one night saw Amar Kumar in her dream.
Sur-sundaris acquire a kingdom with seven kaudis. I am soon
reaching Venatat.
Following the instructions of the goddess Sur-sundari spent twelve years in the palace of the Vidyadhar.
# A specific Jain austerity.
16 ## EdEating once in a day, food cooked with a single ingredient even without any salt or other condiments orary.org