SURSUNDARI At the wailing of their chief the bandits drew
The youth approached Sur-sundari and introduced their swords and rushed at Sur-sundari. All
himselfof a sudden a brave youth jumped in the
Don't be afraid sister, fray and started fighting them fiercely with
am Vidyadhar* Chandragati. his sword.
In a cave in this mountain a Torturing a
hermit is doing meditation. I was helpless woman.
returning after paying homage I will show you
to him when, from my plane, 1 now.
saw your futile struggle. It is my duty to rescue a lady in distress so I came at once.
5. RL
Mortally wounded by the mighty blows by the youth, the bandits ran away.
The Vidyadhar added
Sister you will not be safe alone in this jungle....come with me, I will provide
It is true that a burnt child dreads fire. But all men are not treacherous or debauch. Believe me, I am a
Jain shravak. I treat other women as I would my own
mother and sister.
No brother, Thave been often cheated by men. I am left with hardly
any faith for any man.
Sur-sundari believed what the Vidyadhar said.
She boarded his plane and went with him. * Vidyadhar = a benevolent god with special skills and powers.
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