SURSUNDARI Next morning Sur-sundari told Vidyadhar her story
After that he took her to Venatat in the plane in detail and said
Sister, the work you and left her there. Seeing a large and beautiful
have to accomplish would garden Sur-sundari thoughtBrother, now
require special powers. I will I should proceed
teach you five unique divine for Venatat as soon powers. It would be easy for as possible. you to accomplish your goal with the help of these.
Let me go into the garden first and think calmly.
Then only I will take any step.
The Vidyadhar taught her five special powers,
She sat in lotus pose and started meditation. By invoking the power of transformation she at once turned into a handsome young man.
In the garden she sat down under a beautiful tree and contemplated
A woman's beauty, in this world, is her asset as well as the root cause of all her troubles. It is difficult for a woman to be safe and secured alone. Therefore, why do I not work for my goal after transforming myself
into a man.
Since this moment my name
is Vimalyash.
# 1. The power acquiring any form. 2. The power of healing. 3. The power of becoming invisible. 17 4. The power of increasing physical and mental strength at will. 5. The power of protection from
Iate & Personal Use Only an adversary's divine powers and Mantras.