-: 46:
Bhagavai 3:1:45-47 misimisemāņa - hot red with anger. Apte has explained vmis as 'to be angry'.4 sumha - rope. According to Apte, śumba means a rope. nitthuhamti ----spit. The Vrtti has explained the reading utthuhamti. hilamti..... ākadha-vikaddhim karemti — the Asurakumāra gods dishonoured the body of Tāmali which is described in ten verbs-helanā, nindā, khimsā, garhā, avamūnanā, tarjanā, tādanā, parivyathā, pravyathā and äkarşa-vikrsti. All these verbs connote high degree of dishonour, though they have different connotations according to the science of semantics. The Vrttikāra has explained them. Out of these verbs, some deserve consideration. For instance, whimsā is a desī root. The root wyath has two meanings-- fear and movement. Vyathā also means pain. But as a dead body feels no pain, the word should mean 'to move'.
1. Bha. Vr. 3/45 - 'āsurutta -sīghrakopavimüdhabuddhayah. 2. Ibid., 3/45 - 'candikkiya' tti prakaitaraudrarüpāh. 3. Desīšabdakośa. 4. (a) Bha. Vr. 3/45 — 'misimisemānc' tti dedipyamānāḥ krodhajvalaneneti.
(b) Apte ---- miśa --- to be angry. 5. Bha. Vr. 3/45 — 'utthuhamti'tti avasthīvyanti ---- nisthivanam kurvanti. 6. Ibid., 3/45 — 'hīlemti' tti jātyādyudghātanatah kutsanti, 'nindati' tti cetasā kutsanti, 'khimsamti'tti
svasamaksam vacanaih kutsanti, 'garahamti' tti lokasamaksam kutsantyeva, avamannamti' tti avamanyante-avajñā''spadam manyante, 'tajjimti'tti sarvatto vyathante kadarthayanti, 'pavvahamti' tti pravyathante prakrslavyathämivotpadayanti, ‘ākaddhavikaddhim'tti äkarşavikarsikām.
3.46 tae nam te īsānakappavāsi bahave vemāniyā devā ya devio ya balicam
cārāyahūnivatthavvaehim bahūhim asurakumārehim devenim devīhi ya tāmalissa bālatavassissa suriruyam hīlijjamānam nimdijjamānam khimsijjamānam garuhijjamānam avamannijjamānam tajjijjamānam tālejjamānam parivahijjamānam pavvahijjumānam ākaddha-vikaddhim kiramānam pāsamti, pāsittā ūsuruttā jāva misimisemäņā jeneva īsāne devimde devarāyā teneva uvāgacchanti, uvāgacchittā karuyala-pariggahiyam dasanaham sirasāvuttam matthae amjailm kattu jae nam vijue nam vaddhāvemti, vaddhāvettā evam vayāsī—evain khalu devānuppiyā! balicamcārāyahānivutthavvayā bahave asurakumārā devā ya devīo ya devānuppie kālagae jāņittā īsāne ya kappe indattāe uvavanne päsettā āsurutā jāva egamte edemti, edettä jāmeva disim pāubbhūyā tāmeva disim padigayā. Then, a good many Empyrean gods and goddesses, the inhabitants of the heaven of īśāna, sighted the body of the unenlightened hermit Tāmalī, being humbled, despised, rebuked, spoken ill of, insulted, abused, beaten, tortured, pained and mishandled by the good many Asurakumāra gods and goddesses, the inhabitants of the capital city Balicañcā. Having sighted that, they were surcharged with emotion ....... up to quashing teeth with anger, they reached the place of Išāna, the chief and the king of gods. Having reached there, they greeted him with victory and conquest, by rotating the folded hands, displaying the nails in front of their forehead. Having greeted, they addressed
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