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Bhagavai 7:10:213-216
"Again the Ascetic Jñātaputra propounds four astikāyas viz., dharmāstikāya, adharmāstikaya, ākāśāstikāya and jīvāstikāya as non-corporal substances and the remaining one viz., pudgalāstikāya as a non-sentient corporal substance.
"Is all this exactly as he propounds?" 7.214 tenam kālenam tenam samuenam samane bhagavam mahāvīre jāva gunasilae
ceie samosadhe jāva parisā padigayā. In that age, at that time, the Ascetic Lord Mahāvīra arrived at the Gunasilaka shrine ...... up to (see Bhag. 1.8) the multitude from the city congregated.
Dhamma was spoken. The multitude departed. 7.215 tenam kālenam tenam samaenam samanassa bhagavao mahāvīrassa jetthe
amtevāsi imdabhūs nāmam anagāre goyame gottenam jāva bhikkhāyariyāe adamāne ahāpajjattam bhatta-pāņam padig gähittā rāyagihão nagarāo padinikkhamai, aturiyamacavalamasambhamtam jugamtarapaloyaņāe ditthie purao riyam sohemāņe-sohemāne tesim annautthiyānam adūrasämamtenam vīīvayati. In that age, at that time, the ascetic, named Indrabhūti, the seniormost disciple of the Ascetic Lord Mahāvīra, of Gautama lineage, ..... up to (see 2.106-109), Lord Gautama, while roaming about for alms (in the city of Rājagyha, from the high, low and middle class families from house, to house without any discrimination), begged adequate food and drink; having begged, he departed from the city of Rājagsha, without haste, excitation and perplexity, fixing his gaze on the space in front, (observing the ground of the length of yuga (yoke), completely mindful of his movement), he was passing
by neither too far nor too near the heretics. 7.216 tae nam te annautthiyā bhagavam goyamam adūrasāmamtenain vīīvayamūnai
pāsamti, păsittà annamannam saddāvemti, saddāvettă evam vayāsi-evam khalu devānuppiyā! amham imā kahā avippakadā, ayam ca nam goyame amham adūrasāmamtenam vīīvayai, tam seyam khalu devānuppiyā! amham goyamam eyamattham pucchittae tti kattu annamannassa amtie eyamatham padisunamti, padisunittā jeņeva bhagavam goyume teneva uvāgacchamti, uvāgacchittā bhagavam goyamam evam vayāsievam khalu goyamā! tava dhammāyarie dhammovadesae samane nāyaputte pamca atthikāe pannaveti, tam jahū--dhammatthikāyam jāva poggatthikāyam. tam ceva jāva rūvikāyam ajīvakāyam pannaveti. se kahameyam goyamā! evam? Then the heretics marked Lord Gautama passing by, neither too far nor too near. Having marked him, they called each another, having called, they said thus: “O beloved of gods! for us this topic is not explicit, nor clear. Gautama is passing by neither too near nor too far from the path. O beloved of gods! it will be benificial for us to ask Gautama about this subject." Having thought thus, they approached one another. They discussed the matter. Having
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