Bhagavai 6:7:134
-: 433 :Fusion, well-knitting together, uniting together of infinite number of empirical paramāņus (atoms) make 1 utslaksnaślakṣṇikā, followed successively by the units—ślaksnaślakşnikā, ürdhvareņu, trasareņu, rathareņu, bālāgra, likṣā, yūkā, yavamadhya and angula. 8 slakṣnaślakşņikās make 1 ūrdhvareņu. 8 trasareņus make 1 rathareņu. 8 ratharenus make 1 bālāgra of the Devakuru and Uttarakuru humans. 8 bālāgras of Devakuru Uttarakuru humans make 1 bālāgra of Harivarsa and Ramyakavarşa humans. 8 bālāgras of Harivarsa and Ramyakvarșa humans make 1 bālāgra of Haimavata and Hairanyavata humans. 8 bālāgras of Haimavata and Hairanyavata humans make 1 bālāgra of Pūrvavideha and Aparavideha humans. 8 bālāgras of Pūrvavideha and Aparavideha humans make 1 likṣā. 8 likṣās make 1 yūkā. 8 yükās make 1 yavamadhya. 8 yavamadhyas make 1 angula. Measured by such units, 6 angulas make 1 pāda, 12 pādas make 1 vitasti, 24 angulas make 1 ratni, 48 angulas make 1 kuksi, 96 angulas make 1 danda, dhanuşa yūpa, nālikā, akşa or musala. Measured by such units, 2000 dhanusas make 1 gavyūta and 4 gavyūtas make
1 yojana. Measured by such unit, yojana, there is a pit, 1 yojana in length, breadth and
depth and somewhat more than 3 yojanas in perimeter. Such pitGāhā—
egāhiya-behiya-tehiya, ukkosam sattarattapparūdhānam || samatthe samnicie, bharie vālaggakodīnam ||2||
Verses —
Is packed up by crores of the hair-tips of the hairs grown in one day, two days, three days ..... up to seven days
cram-full, making it densitied. ||2|| te nam vālagge no aggi dahejjā, no vāto harejjā, no kucchejjā, no parividdhamsejjā, no pūtittāe havvamāgacchejja. țao nam vāsasae-vāsasae gate egamegam vālaggam avahāya jāvatienam kālenam se palle khine nirae nimmale nithie nilleve avahade visuddhe bhavai. se ttam paliovame. Fire can not burn these hair-tips; wind can not blow them; nor do they decay, nor are destroyed, nor get rotten. Now, each one of those hair-tips is taken out of the pit in every one hundred years; the time taken, to make the pit empty, clean of dust, clean of dirt, without content, clear (unsoiled) and pure (completely empty) on account
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