Bhagavai 5:1:5-8
- 189:Meru in the Island of Jambūdvīpa, when there is day-time in the western
half of the Mount Meru. 5.6 jayā nam bhamte! jambuddīve dīve mamdarassa pavvayassa dāhinaddhe ukkosae
atthārasamuhutte divase bhavai, tayā ņam uttaraddhe vi ukkosue atthārasamuhutte divase bhavai; jayā nam uttaraddhe ukkosae atthārasamuhutte divase bhavai, tayā nam jambuddive dive mamdarassa pavayassa puratthimepaccatthime nam jahanniyā duvālasamuhuttā rai bhavai? hamtā goyama! jayā ņam jambuddive dive dāhineddhe ukkosae atthārasamuhutte divase jāva duvālasamuhuttā rai bhavai. Is there also, O Lord! the longest day of 18 muhurttas in the northern half of the Mount Menu in the Island of Jambūdvīpa, when there is the longest day of 18 muhürttas in the southern half of the Mount Meru? Is there the shortest night of 12 muhurttas in the eastern and western parts of Mount Meru in the Island of Jambūdvīpa, when there is the longest day of 18 muhürttas in the northern half”? Yes, Gautama! when there is the longest day of 18 muhurttas in the southern half of Mount Meru in Island of Jambūdvīpa ...... up to (as in question above) at that time there is the shortest night of 12 muhūrttas in the eastern and
western parts of the Mount Meru. 5.7 jayā nam bhamte! jambuddive dive mamdarassa pavvayassa puratthime ukkosae
atthārasamuhutte divase bhavai, tayā nam paccathime vi ukkosae atthārasamuhutte divase bhavai; jayā nam paccatthime nam ukkosae atthārasamuhutte divase bhavai, tayā nam jambuddīve dīve uttara-dāhine num jahanniyā duvālasamuhuttä rai bhavai? hamtā goyamā! jāva bhavai. Is there also, O Lord! the longest day of 18 muhürttas in the eastern of the Mount Meru in the Island of Jambūdvīpa, when there is the longest day of 18 muhūrttas in the western of the Mount Meru? Is there the shortest night of 12 muhürttas in the northern and southern parts of Mount Meru in the Island of Jambūdvīpa when there is the longest day of 18 muhūrttas in the east? Yes, Gautama, it is so.
5.8 jaya nam bhamte! jambuddive dīve dāhinaddhe atthārasamuhuttanamtare divase
bhavai, tayā nam uttaraddhe vi atthārasamuhuttānamtare divase bhavai; jayā nam uttaraddhe atthārasamuhuttānamtare divase bhavai, tayā nam jambuddīve dīve mamdarassa pavayassa puratthime-paccutthime nam säiregā duvālasamuhuttā rai bhavai? hamtā goyama! jayā nam jambuddive dīve raibhavai. Is there also, O Lord! the day of duration slightly less than 18 muhürtes in the northern part of Mount Meru in Island of Jambūdvīpa, when there is
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