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Bhagavai 5:1:3-5 In that age,' at that time, the ascetic named Indrabhūti of the Gautama clan, the eldest disciple of the ascetic Lord Mahāvīra ...... spoke thus: “O Lord! in this Island of Jambūdvīpa (continent), do the (two) suns rise in the north-east and set in east-south, rise in east-south and set in south-west, rise in south-west and set in west-north, rise in west-north and set in northeast? Yes Gautama! the suns do rise in the north-east and set in east-south, rise in east-south and set in south-west, rise in south-west and set in west-north,
rise in west-north and set in north-east. Jambuddīve divasarāi-vattavvayā-padam 5.4 jayā nam bhamte! jambuddive dīve mamdarassa pavvayassa dāhinaddhe divase
bhavai, tayā ņam uttaraddhe vi divase bhavai; jayā nam uttaraddhe divase bhavai, tayā ņam jambuddive dīve mamdarassa pavayassa puratthime-paccatthime nam rai bhavai? hamtā goyama! jayā nam jambuddīve dive dāhinaddhe divase jāva puratthima-paccatthime nam rai bhavai. The Topic of the Description of Day and Night in the Jambūdvīpa
O Lord! when there is day-time in the southern half of the Mount Meru in the Island of Jambūdvīpa, is there day-time also in the northern half of the Mount Meru? Is there night-time in the east and west part of the Mount Meru in the Island of Jambūdvīpa when there is day-time in the north half of the Mount Meru? Yes, Gautama! when there is day-time in the southern half of the Mount Meru in Island of Jambūdvīpa, there is day-time also in northern half of the Mount Meru. There is night-time in the east and west part of the Mount Meru in the Island of Jambūdvīpa when there is day-time in the north half of the Mount Meru.
5.5 jayā nam bhamte! jambuddive dīve mamdarassa pavvayassa puratthime nam
divase bhavai, tayā nam paccatthime navi divase bhavai; jayā nam paccatthime nam divase bhavai, tayā nam jambuddīve dive mamdarassa pavayassa uttara- dāhine nam rai bhavai? hamtā goyama! jayā ņam jambūddīve dīve mamdarassa pavvayassa puratthime nam divase jāva uttara-dāhine nam rai bhavai. O Lord! when there is day-time in the eastern half of the Mount Meru in the Island of Jambūdvipa, is there day-time also in western half of the Mount Meru? Is there night-time in the north and south part of the Mount Meru in the Island of Jambūdvipa when there is day-time in the west half of the Mount Meru? Yes, Gautama! when there is day-time in the eastern half of the Mount Meru in the Island of Jambūdvīpa, there is day-time also in western half of the Mount Meru. There is night-time in the north and south part of the Mount
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