Samgahaṇī gāhā
Padhamo Uddeso Section-1
1. campa-ravi 2. anila 3. gamthiya 4. sadde 5-6. chaumau 7. eyana 8. niyamthe
Summary Verse
9. rāyagiham 10. campā
camdima ya dasa pamcamammi sae ||1||
1. The (dialogue on the) sun in the city of Campa; 2. (the directions of) winds; 3. Knots (in nets); 4. (varieties of) sound; 5. Souls with veil of ignorance; 6. Life-span; 7. Vibration; 8. Knotless ascetics; 9. The (designation of) Rajagṛha (in respect of all its constituent parts); 10. (The dialogue on) the moon (in the city of Campa)-these are the ten sections in the fifth Sataka.
Jambuddīve suriya-vattavvayā-padam
5.1 teṇam kāleṇam tenam samaenam campā nāmam nagari hotthā vannao. The Topic of the Description of the Sun in the Jambūdvīpa
In that age, at that time there was a city named Campā.
5.2 tise nam campãe nagarie punnabhadde namam ceie hottha-vaņṇao. sāmī samosaḍhe java parisā paḍigayā.
In that city of Campa, there was a shrine called Pūrṇabhadra-description. Lord Mahāvīra came...... up to the congregation departed.
5.3 teṇam kāleṇam tenam samaenam samanassa bhagavao mahāvīrassa jeṭthe amtevāsī imdabhūi nāmam aṇagāre goyame gotteṇam jāva evam vayāsī— jambuddive nam bhamte! dive sūriyā udīņa-pāīņamuggaccha pāīņa-dāhinamāgachamti, pāīņa-dāhiņamuggacha dāhiņa-paḍīņamā-gacchamti, dāhiņa-paḍīnamuggaccha paḍīņa-udīņamāgacchamti, paḍīņa-udiņamuggaccha udīci-pāīņāmāgacchamti?
Jain Education International
hamtā goyamā! jambuddive dīve nam dīve sūriyā udīṇa-pāīṇamuggaccha jāva udīci-pāīņamāgacchamti.
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