...Once Pujyapada lost his eye sight, but by .chanting a religious spell, a sanskrit verse, the Shantyashtaka -
कारुण्यान्मम भक्तिकस्यच विभो दृष्टि प्रसन्ना करु,
he regained his eye-sight and could see more clearly than he did before whatever was other worldly too !
Before passing on to and touching the heart of Samadhi Shatak, the Jain Geeta let me call it so, it is very essential and demanding to determine and settle the matter whether, in accordance with the traditions, this book came under the titte Samadhi Shatak or Samadhi Tantra.
in the view Jugolkishora Mukhatar this book originally was named as Samadhi Tantra and in support of his argument he quotes the 105th verse from this book itself, but other Jain scholars are not of this opinion and so repudiated Jugalkishora's argument on