inward powers. According to traditions, he went to Videha Kshetra and stayed there for some time where he saw the Bhagwant face to face and received from Him some mystical and super natural powers, celestial potentiality and extraordinary physical ability with the help of which he could turn iron into gold, could cure some non-curable physical illhealth and disabilities. Whosoever were caught up by and victims of world's deceiving nature and sceptical events in life and, therefore were led towards the life with pessimistic view and were persuaded to withdraw themselves from all sorts of activities, social and religious, of this world and other worldly. Acharya Pujya pada, wnen they fortunately and with an enforcement of virtuous deeds in their past lives approached him, guided and advised them and within a moment's span he removed all the darkness in their minds and changed them into an extraordinary personalities, some of them in their later stage of life were the greatest Acharyas.