B. Restrained dealings with four types of mobile living
beingsvi Restraints in dealing with two-sensed beings, vii Restraints in dealing with three-sensed beings, viii Restraints in dealing with four-sensed beings,
ix Restraints in dealing with five-sensed beings, C. Miscellaneous restraints -
x Avoidance of attachment towards possessions, xi Vigilance in sitting, sleeping, walking, etc. xii Indifference towards mundane activities, xiii Careful disposal of the wastes and excretions, xiv Careful inspection and maintenance of monastic
equipage, XV Thought control, xvi Speech control, and
xvii Body control. 3. The third division also prescribes seventeen self controls
and is as follows: - A. Restrained Senses (Indriya Samyama) involving:
i Restrained sense of touch, ii Restrained sense of taste, iii Restrained sense of sight, iv Restrained sense of smell,
v Restrained sense of hearing, B. Restricting five means of karmic influx:
vi Restricting violence, vii Restricting untruth, viii Restricting stealing, ix Restricting sexual indiscipline, X Restricting accumulation,