Leśyā – Spiritual hue or aura. Linga- Gender or appearance. Mārga- Way : the liberating path. Mārgana- Journey (for searching the supervising Ācārya for
the practice of Sallekhanā-Samādhimarana). Mithyādarśana- False vision, false view, false belief, false attitude
or false inclination. Mithyādrști - One who is in the grip of Mithyādarśana. Mithyātva - Falsehood. Moha- Delusion produced by false-vision. Nāma - Name. Nāma niksepa - Describing or referring by name. Naya - Standpoint; Point of view. Nldānamarana - To die after making a binding wish. Niksepa - Description; reference. Nindā - Decrying or condemning own misconduct. Ninhava - Heretic; preacher of falsehood against the precepts
propounded by the omniscient Lords; Ungrateful
disciple. Niruddha - Restricted or constrained. Niruddhatara - Very restricted or highly constrained. Niryāmaka/Niryāpaka -- Serving and assisting monk or nun. Niryāmakācārya/Niryāpakācārya - The Acārya under whose
supervision and guidance the practice of
Sallekhana-Santhārā is undertaken. Niscaya naya - Absolute standpoint.