1. Action. 2. Karma matter or particles of Karma Pudgala Vargaņā. 3. Karmic encumbrance earned
through one's actions. Kaşāya- Passions - anger, pride, deceit and greed. Kavaca- Armour. Here, it means the quality of the kşapaka
to remain calm in the face of extreme hunger and pain by constantly reminding himself that such pain and misery is due to the rise and fruition of earlier bonded karma and that his very endpractice is a means to find a release from such
trouble in future. Kevali- Enlightened omniscient. Kevalīmarņa -The death of the enlightened practitioners who
have realised omniscience. (Also refer to
Panditamarana) Kevalajñāna - Purest and infinite knowledge or omniscience. Kșāmaņā- Quality of tolerance developed by forgiving others
for their faults. Ksamaņa - Seeking others' forgiveness for own faults that
may have hurt them. In the present context, it is the pardon begged by an Acārya aspiring to practice Sallekhanā-Samādhimarana just before
he departs for joining another monastic group. Ksamāpanā - begging others' pardon for one's faults that may
have hurt them. In the context of Sallekhanā-- Samādhimaraṇa, it is the last pardon begged, near the final moments of one's life, from the members of the monastic group to which a ksapaka had
migrated for his end-practice. Ksapaka- The practitioner aspiring to undertake the practice
of Sallekhanā-Santhārā.