Scriptural and other Arguments for Theism in Jainism 147 (5) Argument from Sri Aupapātika Satra :
As we find Ācārānga Sútra being the first amongst the twelve angas. so is the Aupapātika Sūtra first amongst the twelve Upāngas. It is also known as Sri Uvavai Sūtra. This scripture is more a narrative one and gives an account of the great honor and reverence offered to Lord, Malāvira by the king Konika, the monks and the people. It also discusses the issues regarding penance, meditation, worship, nature of heaven, and at the end the nature of Siddhas who are Jain Gods. The twentieth verse of this upānga is a famous Jain hymn (Stuti) which is full of the attributes of God : Tirtharkara.?? Some of the attributes here are :
Divine and pure God, self-eminant, the master of the world, 24 the welwisher of the world2s, the path shower of the world,26 the illuminator, 27 the emancipator,28 the omniscient, the good," the absolute
motionless, the pure,l the perfect,32 the Unlimited,33 the changeless, one who is at the state of divine perfection (Siddha),# to such Lord Tirthankara, who is the Jain God,36 prayers and obeiscence is offered, Moreover, this Upānga describes the Upāsņā of the Lord." It explains the three types of worship (Upāsanā) viz. physical worship, phonic (speech) or vocal worship and mental worship. At the end, the Aupapatika Sūtra gives the nature of a soul that has attained the state of Siddhahood, one who is totally liberated from the bondage of Karma. It describes the location where Siddhas world reside permanently, the infinite number of Siddhas are merged into one other38 forming ‘Monism' - the soul is one. The Aupapātika Sutra proves to be very significant
22. Aupapatika Sutra 20 23 to 37. णमोत्थुणं अरिहंताणं भगवंताणं आइगराणं तित्थयराणं सयंसंबुद्धाणं पुरिसुत्तमाणं पुरिससोहाणं पुरिसवरपुंडरीयाणं पुरिसवरगंधहत्थोणं लोगुत्तमाणं लोगनाहाणं लोगहियाणं लोगईवाणं लोगपज्जोयगराणं अभयदयाणं चक्खुदयाणं मग्गयादाणं तरणदयाणं जीवदयाणं बोहिदयाणं धम्मदयाणं धम्मसयाणं धम्मसारहो धम्मनायगाणं धम्म-चरचारंत चक्क वट्टीणं तीवो याणं सरणगइ पइट्टा अपडिह -बर-नाण-बसंण-धराणं वियदृच्छउमाणं जिणाणं जावयाणं तिणाणाणै तारयाणी बुद्धाणं बोहयाणं मुत्ताणं मोयगाणं सव्वण्णूणं सव्वदरिसीणंसिव-मयल-मस्य-मणंत-मकखयमव्वावाह मयुणरावित्ति-सिद्धिगइनामधेयं ठाणं संपत्ताणं, नमोत्थु णं समणस्स भगवओ महावीवरस्स आदिगरस्स तित्थगरस्स जाव संपाविउकामस्स मम धम्मायरियस्स धम्मोवदेगस्स तिथ्यगरस्स वंदामि णं भगवंतं........ 38-39. " आण्णोण्णसमोमोगाढा, पुट्टा सब्वे य लोगतै ॥
-तेओ एकबीजामां व्यापीने रहेला छे य एगे आया - Aupapatika Sutra-5
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