aspects of a religious life c.g. it tells how Lord Mahāvira is praised and worshiped by others. (3) Argument from Nandi Sutra
Nandi sätra, in fact, is not one of the twelve Anga. It falls under the group of Chulikā, Sūtra. But then Nandi Sutra is known as the 'balance-sheet of all the Āgamas, 19 It enjoys its own importance. It contains the detailed description of the worship to Lord, the characteristic of the community (Sangha), the five types of knowledge etc. In order to stress the 'theism' as reflected in Jain scriptures, let us take its very first verse which is a prayer to the Jain God (Jineśvara Bhagawāna). Here the Lord Jineśvara of Tirthankara is addressed as the 'knower of all generating states, 'grand and glorious (Bhavya), The saviour of all beings (Jagannatha), father of all fathers (Pitā) and is ever victorious (Sadā Jayi)'20 In the beginning we also find a hymn or Stuti for Lord Mahāvira for twenty four Tirthankaras, and for the chief Disciples i.e. Gañadharas. In all nearly 50 verses of its very beginning is full of theistic color. A variety of phrases and aphorisms are used all reflecting the reverence and sense of worship towards Tirthankara who is the Jain God, the divine, the pure, the perfect and the powerful. (4) Argument from Anuyogadvāra Satra
Like Nandi Sūtra, Anuyogadvāra, Sūtra is also a Chulikā Sūtra. It is known as "the key to all agamas."?! It is full of many metaphysical as well as the logical issues discussed in great details. It describes the four doors (entry or openings) to enter into Anuyoga. Anuyoga means to be consistent with whatever preached by Lord Mahāvīra. This scripture is comparatively more technical and tougher to understand. What is most important for us to note is the theism peeping out from such discussions. Its main thesis is based on a powerful conviction that one who follows this Sūtra will be able to attain all the infinite capacities of the pure soul. It also narrates gods and goddesses of the different worlds (Devas of Nakşatras). 18. Pi, ia 19. “Agama -ni Arādbană -an article Acārya Sri Mänatungasari, "Kalyan' (July
Aug. 1985), p. 183 to 188 20. JUS Nagiluft fallurit 15 TUNGTI
जगणाहो जगबन्धू, जयइ जगप्पिमहो भगवं ॥ 21. “Agam -ni Ārādhana' -An article Acārya Śri Manatungasūri, Kalyan'
(July - Aug., 1985), p. 183 to 188
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