78...मुद्रा योग एक अनुसंधान संस्कृति के आलोक में
(iii) Pictorial Thain and English Dictionary (iv) Journal of The siam society The attitudes of the Buddha's, Wr. O. Frunkfurter.
(v) Translations of Thai pang (mudras), Wr. (Phra) Suradej Sutthi 58. (i) The Gods of Northern Buddhisms, Wr. Alice Getty.
(ii) The Iconography of Tibetan lamaism, Wr. Antoinetle K. Gordon (iii) The Indian Buddhist Iconography Mainly based on the seadhatermalea and other cognate Tantric Texts in Rituals, Wr. Benoytosh Bhattacharya. (iv) Mystic of Ancient Tibet, Wr. Blanche christine Olschak (v) The Book of Buddhas, Wr. Eva Rudy Jansen (vi) Mudra : A study of symbolic gestures in Japanese Buddhist sculpture, Wr. E. Dale Saunders (vii) Esoteric Mudras of Japan, Wr. Gauri Devi
(viii) The Heritage of Thaisculpture, Wr. Jean Boisselier 59. The cult of Tara : Magic and Ritual in Tibet, Wr. stephen Beyer. 60. (i) The Iconography of Tibetan lamaism, Wr. Antoinette K. Gordon
(ii) Mudra : A study of symbolic gestures in Japanes abuddhist sculpture, Wr. E. Dale Saunders (iii) Esoteric Mudras of Japan, Wr. Gauri devi (iv) Mudras in Japan. Wr. Lokesh chandra and sharada Rani
(v) Iconography of Hindus, Buddhists and Jains, Wr. Ramesh S. Gupte 61. (i) Esoteric Mudras in Japan, Wr. Gauri Devi
(ii) Mudras in Japan, Wr. Lokesh Chandra and Sharada Rani
62. श्रृणु कुमार! मञ्जथी! वक्ष्येऽहं पटलमुद्रिताम्।
आदौ पञ्चशिखा भवति, महामुद्रा तु सा मना।। त्रिशिखं द्वितीयं विन्द्या, तृतीयं एकचीरकम्। चतुर्थं उत्पलमित्याहः, सम्बुद्धाः दिपदोत्तमाः।। पञ्चमः स्वस्तिको दृष्टः, षष्ठो ध्वज उच्यते। सप्तमं पूर्णमित्याहुः, मन्त्रज्ञानसुशोभनाः।। अष्टमं यष्टिनिर्दिष्टा, लोकनाथैर्जितारिभिः। नवमं छत्रनिर्दिष्टं, दशमं शक्तिरूच्यते।