2. The aspirant should abstain from violence that results from his own deeds, at his instance or on his endorsement accruing from his ideation, word or deed. Nor should he abet another to indulge in such a heinous act. This is the prime mark of a true doctrine.
The seeker should neither covertly nor overtly utter falsehood nor abet another to do so. He should not preach falsehood. This is the second attribute of a true doctrine.
Neither should he covertly or overtly accept alms nor lead another to do so. This is the third attribute of a true doctrine.
Such a devotee should never in thought, word and deed indulge in libido and acquisition. He should neither himself lapse into these vices nor abet another or sanction such a deed ex post facto. This is the fourth attribute of a true doctrine.
सव्वं च सव्वहिं चेव सव्वकालं च सव्वहा । निम्ममत्तं विमुत्तिं च विरतिं चेव सेवते ।। 1 ।।
1. मुमुक्षु समस्त विधियों के साथ सर्वदा प्रति-समय मोहरहित होकर विमुक्ति (अहिंसा) और विरति (सावद्य पाप कर्मों से निवृत्ति) का सेवन करे ।
1. The aspirant should stay scrupulously intact of all lure and temptation and practise non-violence and non-attachment.
सव्वतो विरते दन्ते सव्वतो परिनिव्वुडे । सव्वतो विप्पमुक्कप्पा सव्वत्थेसु समं चरे || 211
2. मुमुक्षु सर्वथा पाप कर्मों से निवृत्त, जितेन्द्रिय, सर्वथा शान्त, सर्वथा बन्धन रहित अथवा निस्संग होकर सर्वत्र समभाव ( राग-द्वेष रहित, तटस्थता ) से विचरण करे अथवा समस्त पदार्थों के प्रति औदासीन्य भाव से विचरण करे ।
2. He should be free of vices and utterly reticent, quiet and unattached. Harbouring no proclivities, he should stay tranquil and disinterested in things around.
सव्वं सोयव्वमादाय अडयं उवहाणवं । सव्वदुक्खप्पहीणे उ सिद्धे भवति णीरए । । 3 ।।
3. समस्त श्रोतव्य-श्रवण करने योग्य सत्य को ग्रहण कर मुमुक्षु की आत्मा उपधानवान (तपश्चर्या युक्त महातपस्वी ) बनती है और वह मुमुक्षु समस्त दुःखों से हीन होकर, कर्मरज से रहित होकर सिद्ध होता है।
242 इसिभासियाई सुत्ताई