Translator's Note
Isi-bhasiyaiyam (Rishibhashitani) is considered to be a very old and revered anthological work within the vast and valuable collection of Jain canonical literature. It is a collection of aphorisms enveloping philosophy, preachings, teachings, and doctrines or in other words the sum total of philosophy of life of 45 sages. The language is mixed Prakrit having influence of Magadhi and Ardha-Magadhi at some places and Shaurseni and Paishachi at others. There is an influence of Maharashtri also at some places. According to linguists, its language indicates that this work is probably very old.
The inclusion of Angira and Yajnavalkya of ancient Vedic tradition, Narad and Uddalak of Puranik tradition, Ping and Isigiri of Brahmin Parivrajak tradition and Satiputra of Buddhist tradition alongwith the Jain Arhats and original thinkers like Parshwa and Mahavir is evidence of the uniqueness of this work. It confirms the open-mindedness of the ancient philosophical traditions of this country where philosophical thinking rose above the communal or sectarian bias and scholars of one school of thought respected and compiled thoughts of other schools.
The importance and distinctive feature of this work have been elaborated by Dr. Sagarmal Jain in the preface of this book (Rishibhashit: A study).
The executive members of the Academy, especially the devoted secretary, Shri D. R. Mehta, were attracted toward this book, which is conspicuous even in the heap of literature. They felt that if these aphorisms were published with English and Hindi translations it would fulfil an important need. Till date no such edition is available.
A Gujarati and Hindi translation of this book was published in 1963. The translator was the famous thinker and orator Shri Manohar Muni Shashtri. This translation also included
18 इसिभासियाई सुत्ताई