a commentary alongwith the Sanskrit commentary from Schubring's edition. Although this short Sanskrit commentary was not adequate, it was still included in the book compiled by prof. D. Walther Schubring of Hamburg University.
The original Sanskrit text of these aphorisms in Roman script were first published in 1942 in the booklet-den Nachrichten der Akademie der Wissenschaften Zu Gottingen alongwith introduction and critical notes in German by Dr. Schubring (pp. 489-576). The German translation was published only in 1969 from Hamburg. It is said that some one did an English translation but no one has seen it till date. A Roman and Devnagari script edition of this book was published for the first time in 1974 by L. D. Institute, Ahmedabad; this also contained English translations of the preface and critical notes by Schubring. This too has only the original text in Roman and Devnagari script and no Hindi translation.
As such, it was decided by Prakrit Bharti that the publication of Hindi and English translation with original text will provide all that is needed by the probing scholars in one volume. The main goal of the translators is to convey the idea and simple meaning of these aphorisms to the reader. As such inspite of the intention to simplify the meaning, care has been taken that it does not turn out to be a commentary or explanation. It has been kept as a translation strictly. This would enable the reader to understand the original text and arrive at his own conclusions after study and critical analysis. As the original text is ancient, it was confusing at many places. However, not going into the discrepancies of various texts, only the primary and direct meaning has been given in this edition.
The critical notes of Dr. Schubring have helped in the English translation, but only to a certain extent because these notes were not meant to be translations. They were written for the purpose of critical analysis of the text, language etc. Dr. Schubring has explained that in 1942 only original text and critical notes were published. Translation, although ready, was left for later publication. The reason was that only a few copies
इसिभासियाई सुत्ताई 19