N. B. The Charities for spiritual and temporal well
being of the Shravaks in religious points of view and for the protection of sickly animals in the Panjarapoles in the principal cities of the Bombay Presidency are not mentioned here.
Services 1. During the Mutiny of 1857–1858 Mr. Premabhai
had employed private agencies by establishing a regular Dak from Ahmedabad to Indor, to procure information privately from central India and surro. unding places when the Telegraph and Govern
ment Dak had failed. 2. Information used to be regularly received daily
and communicated to the Collector and judges of the period Messrs. J. W. Hadow and A. B. Warden are well aware of the services, so rendered.
atehes A. PR. To,
AHMEDABAD. In recognition of your loyal conduct and services, I hereby conser upon you the tilte of “Rao Bahadur" as a personal distinction.
Sd/ LYTTON, Delhi. I VICEROY AND GOVERNOR ist January 1877.)
17 . 83.| Extract from Government resolution.
No. 5092, of 5TH SEPTEMBR 1896. Government cannot but consider that the Thakore preferred the charge of instigating the robbery against