where the sun shines and on the other side where the sun does not shine there is severe cold. That is what is told on behalf of the scie. ntists. But without atmosphere how the severeness (severity) of cold can remain in existence ?
(12) On the day of the full moon the moon is visible a full nine inch globe from here. In fact if Appollo 11 has reached the moon, then, from there i. e. from the moon the earth which is four times as big as the moon must be visible as 36 inches globe but not a single picture of photo shows the big earth. What can be the reason ?
(13) The prevailing faith that the moon is a part cut out from the side of the Pacific ocean has turned rootless by the analysis of the rocks and the stones brought by the App- ollo travellers. Then why not other
conceptions regarding the moon ate also untrue and vague ?
(14) The distance between moon and the earth was supposed to be 2,40,000 miles but through the lesser rays, of the Appollo 11, it has been fixed 2,24,000 miles.
How could the Appollo 11 reach the moon exactly when there were no definite clear conceptions regarding the distance of the moon ? :
(15) What can be the reason for the travellers of Appollo 8, 9, 10, and 11 to give the descriptions of the earth which are quite different and not alike? They have given their descriptions after going one lac miles up from the earth. Some one has seen the earth like a flat dish. Some one has described the earth as a ruby fixed in a black velvet and few have seen the earth like a tennis ball.
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