the speed while returning to get out (7) Ths earth brought by the of the gravity ?
aeronauts of Appollo 11 was damp How the blasting of the rocket is at 5"-or 6" deep. Because there is passible without the atmosphere ? no atmospoere in moon, the sun (4) How the possibility exists. of shines severely and therefore how
dampness can exist in the earth of the ice and vapour upon the windows
the moon ? of the plane as complained by the space travellers in the appollo.
(8) There is no atmosphere in
the moon, so with the sun in the Is there any possibility of ice
day, twinkling stars are also visible, and vapour in the airless vicinity
That is what the scientists say. Then out of the amosphere of the earth ?
what can be reasons that the films (5) Under the presumption that
of Appolloo 8, 9, 10 and 11 or the the moon travels at 5 degree of the photos taken by the Appollo travellearth and therefore the space scienti
ers do not show the twinking stars ? sts allowed the appollo at 7 degrees.
(9) When there is no atmosphere But in reality on 30–6–69 when
on the moon then why scientists appollo 11 touched the moon then cautioned the aeronauts of Appollo the moon was at 27 degrees latitude
11 to keep themselves away from the from Delhi and Cape Kanedy. I, for
possible terror of insects ? two months, with the help of teles
And why aeronauts on their retsope, observed the plane sastern and
urn of the earth were kept in the how it was' possible that appollo 11 closed glass room 11 (eleven) days which went through at 7 degrees continuously reached the moon obviously at 27 (10) The aeronauts of Appollo 12 degrees.
felt heavy storm of dust and stone (6) According to the opinion of pieces due to heavy winds so that the space scientists the moon is a they felt severe uneasiness and then dead planet having no atmosphere, the scientists from the earth instruthen, how is it possible according cted them to take pills. Then how is to the statement of the aeronauts the it that out of the atmosphere of the place where the Appollo 11 got down, earth where the the atmosphere is stones earth sand and metal pieces zero, such severe winds were felt in were in existence ? Then without air the moon ? and water how could the rocks be (11) There is severe heat in the changed into pieces.
atmosphere on that part on the moon
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