6. Yojana, Y
(a) UY, km. (p) Py, km (500 UY)
(1000 UY) 7. Rajju, R, km
0.085,8.30,13.28,15.09 42.83 4150,6640,7545 84.66 8300 13280 15090 Innumerable Yojanas
3.7x10-2.4x1021 7R=2.6x10–1.68x1022
(UA)2 (J)2
(UA)3=UA+Pr A (J)2=(7R)3=343 GR 1/64 GR
8. Jagasreni, J, km.
2h Units 1. Pratarangula, Pr A 2. Jagapratara Prataraloka, JP/PL
3-d Units 1. Ghanangula, GA 2. Ghanaloka, GL 3. Khanduka, k : Larger Units of Length
The UA based Yojana, Y is the average value. It seems quite small for larger distances. Jaina acaryas have, therefore, coined some larger length units like time. These are known as pramana units. The PA based Yojana, PY, is a l-d unit in this direction. It has a value of 500 or 1000 times larger than UY or it is equivalent to 4000 or 8000 miles (1 Y=8 miles.) Other different values based on various values of UY, are given in Table VI varying between 6640–15090 km. These are mearsurable units.
With reference to the dimensions of the universe, there is one more unit named as rajju, R. Canonically. it seems difficult to evaluate the
unit of length of practical and current value for it, as its calculations involve innumerable number: Despite this, Jain and Jain" have calculated the value of rajju unit to between 1018_1021 kms. Jagasreni is still a larger unit which is equal to 7 R or between 1019 1022 kms. These larger units are just akin to the current units of Light year which has a value of app. 10" km. This sugg. ests that the larger units of length of the Jainas are sufficlently larger, These are also included in Table VII.
The above larger units have also their corresponding 2-d and 3-d units
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